A nice little introduction to network monitoring (provided by my employer – registration required for obtaining the free download). This book does lean slightly towards using Cascade products to provide monitoring, troubleshooting and analytics – BUT I’m happy to say that it does remain a nice little read for anyone who has an interest in network monitoring. Read more…
Both the ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile are scripts that might be executed when bash is invoked. The ~/.bashrc file gets executed when you run bash using an interactive shell that is not a login shell. The ~/.bash_profile only gets executed during a login shell. What does this all mean? Read more…
RFC 2597 defines four Assured Forwarding groups, denoted by the letters “AF” followed by two digits: Read more…
These failure codes are the original error codes from the Kerberos RFC 1510 Read more…
When a client connects to a server using SMB it sends a “Negotiate Protocol Request”. In response to this, the server replies with a “Negotiate Protocol Response”. This response reveals whether SMB signing is enabled and whether it is required at the client, the server, or both. Read more…