Home > Network Management, Security > Executing ipconfig and other commands on remote machines

Executing ipconfig and other commands on remote machines

February 25th, 2014

To execute the “ipconfig /all” command on one or more remote machines you can use the psexec utility that is part of pstools, available from Microsoft. The syntax is: pstools \\machine_name command
For example:

C:\Users\dmatthews\Desktop\pstools>psexec \\L00151270 ipconfig /all

To list just the IP version 4 address, pipe the output throught the ‘find’ command:

C:\Users\dmatthews\Desktop\pstools>psexec \\L00151270 ipconfig /all | find “IPv4”

If you have a number of machines that you wish to enumerate, you can use the syntact pstools @filename where filename is a list of machine names:

C:\Users\dmatthew\Desktop\pstools>type INPUT-DATA.txt

For example:
C:\Users\dmatthew\Desktop\pstools>psexec @INPUT-DATA.txt ipconfig /all | find “IPv4”

Starting ipconfig on L00151270… L00151270…
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
ipconfig exited on L00151270 with error code 0.
Starting ipconfig on L00151309… L00151309…
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
ipconfig exited on L00151309 with error code 0.

Finally you can redirect the output into a text file:

C:\Users\dmatthew\Desktop\pstools>psexec @INPUT-DATA.txt ipconfig /all | find “IPv4” >> RESULTS.txt

Starting ipconfig on L00151270… L00151270…
ipconfig exited on L00151270 with error code 0.
Starting ipconfig on L00151309… L00151309…
ipconfig exited on L00151309 with error code 0.

C:\Users\dmatthew\Desktop\pstools>type RESULTS.txt
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :

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