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Adding Users and Groups via Command Line (Solaris)

February 21st, 2010

(And userstanding UIDs)

1. Login as root (or any account with UID=0) then create the new group:

groupadd myusers   (a new entry is created in the /etc/group file)
2. Now add the user:

useradd -g myusers -m -d /usr/daren -c “Daren Matthews” -s /bin/sh -u 102 daren


-g Group Name
-m Make Home Directory (for user)
-d The location of the directory
-s The Shell to use (in this case, the Bourne Shell)
-u If you wish to specify a specific userid (optional)

cat /etc/groups
cat /etc/passwd
cat /etc/shadow  (is the user account locked? (“LK”) or does it have no password? (“NP”))

3. Now set the password for the user:

passwd daren

NOW: copy the users profile file to a hidden file (preceded by dot / period (.))

cp /usr/daren/local.profile /usr/daren/.profile

ls /usr/daren/profile  (making sure it is created)

rm /usr/daren/local.profile  (remove original unhidden file)

4. Verify password for user:

cat /etc/shadow


0            Root User
1 – 100      Internal System Accounts
101 – 60000  Free for use by any user account
60001        Root request from NFS server
60002        Account access by non-logged in user
65534        the “Nobody” account

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