Simple Bash Script to Backup Netscreen ISG / SSG Firewall
This script is a simple, interactive way to backup and date-stamp your juniper Netscreen ISG/SSG (ScreenOS) firewall configurations. The script copies the configurations from the firewall using scp. Configurations older than one day ( -mtime +1) are archived off to a bz2 compressed file. Archives older than 60 days ( -mtime +60 ) are removed from the disk.
The usage is: [ip address / hostname of Netscreen]. (VIEW SCRIPT)
DATE=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]]
echo scp netscreen@"$1":ns_sys_config ${DST}netscreen-$1"-"$DATE.conf
scp netscreen@"$1":ns_sys_config ${DST}netscreen-$1"-"$DATE.conf
echo netscreen-$1"-"$DATE.conf saved to $DST
scp -q -i $KEY netscreen@"$1":ns_sys_config ${DST}/netscreen-$1"-"$DATE.conf
find $DST -type f -mtime +1 -name "*.conf" -exec bzip2 {} \;
find $DST -type f -mtime +60 -name "*.bz2" -exec rm -f {} \;
if [ "$1" == "" ]
echo "usage $0 [ip address] "
exit 1
getconfig $1
exit 0
USAGE: Example:
[dmatthews@mylinux ~]$ ./
scp netscreen@ /home/dmatthews/netscreen/backup/netscreen-
netscreen@'s password:
ns_sys_config 100% 177KB 59.2KB/s 00:03
netscreen- saved to /home/dmatthews/netscreen/backup/
[dmatthews@mylinux ~]$ ./
scp netscreen@ /home/dmatthews/netscreen/backup/netscreen-
netscreen@'s password:
ns_sys_config 100% 177KB 59.1KB/s 00:03
netscreen- saved to /home/dmatthews/netscreen/backup/
[dmatthews@mylinux ~]$
[dmatthews@mylinux ~]$ ls -la netscreen/backup/
total 728
drwxr-xr-x. 2 dmatthews mcc 4096 Nov 7 16:08 .
drwxr-xr-x. 3 dmatthews mcc 4096 Nov 5 10:28 ..
-rw-r--r--. 1 dmatthews mcc 181720 Nov 7 16:02 netscreen-
-rw-r--r--. 1 dmatthews mcc 181720 Nov 7 16:07 netscreen-
-rw-r--r--. 1 dmatthews mcc 181685 Nov 7 16:02 netscreen-
-rw-r--r--. 1 dmatthews mcc 181685 Nov 7 16:08 netscreen-
It is possible to use PKI to use SSL so that password authentication is not required (and thereby allowing the script to run without intervention) but if you are planning to backup clear-text configurations, it may be advisable to use this interactive version (contact me for PKI version of this script).
1. Generate DSA Key Pair:
[dmatthews@mylinux ~]$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/dmatthews/.ssh/id_dsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/dmatthews/.ssh/id_dsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/dmatthews/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
The key’s randomart image is:
+–[ DSA 1024]—-+
| +.o=+.|
| ..+ .o|
| … .|
| . . . |
| S . o |
| o =.|
| Eo*|
| o *o|
| o. .|
[dmatthews@mylinux ~]$ cd /home/dmatthews/.ssh/
[dmatthews@mylinux .ssh]$ ls
id_dsa id_rsa known_hosts
[dmatthews@mylinux .ssh]$
2. Change permissions of .ssh directory:
[dmatthews@mylinux .ssh]$ chmod 755 ~/.ssh
[dmatthews@mylinux .ssh]$
3. Copy Public Key to the machine that you wish to login to (or for Netscreen firewalls create an Admin user and copy the public key – see further below):
Copy the contents of ~/.ssh/ into the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the machine to which you want to connect. If the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys exist, append the contents of the file ~/.ssh/ to the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the other machine.
[dmatthews@mylinux .ssh]$ cat
ssh-dss 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
[dmatthews@mylinux .ssh]$
4. Change Permissions of Authorised Keys file:
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Create [USER] user on Netscreen with Read only permissions from web:conf> admin> admins> new
Add [USER] user public key to Netscreen from web:conf> admin> admins> configure-“ssh pka”> add
NOTE: alternatively you can place the public key on a tftp server and import the key and bibnd it to the user via the CLI:
For SSHv1:
exec ssh tftp pka-rsa [ username name ] file-name name_str ip-addr tftp_ip_addr
For SSHv2:
exec ssh tftp pka-dsa [ user-name name ] file-name name_str ip-addr tftp_ip_addr
The username or user-name options are only available to the root admin, so that only the root admin can bind an RSA key to another admin. When you—as the root admin or as a read/write admin—enter the command without a user name, the NetScreen device binds the key to your own admin account; that is, it binds the key to the admin that enters the command.
NOTE: If you receive an “Invalid Key Encoding” message when pasting in via the WebUI it may be because the key blob is incorrectly entered:
ssh-dss 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
Only paste in:
Validate scp and ssh configuration via the CLI:
Netscreen-> get config | inc “set scp”
set scp enable
Netscreen-> get config | inc “set ssh”
set ssh version v2
set ssh enable
set ssh pka-dsa user-name dmatthews pka-key-id 1823D75D5BCD3B356051
Netscreen-> set ssh ?
enable enable SSH
host-identity bind host identity cert
pka-dsa Bind a PKA DSA key/cert to an admin user
version active ssh version
Netscreen-> get config | inc pka-dsa
set ssh pka-dsa user-name dmatthews pka-key-id 1823D75D5BCD3B356051
Netscreen-> get scp
SCP is enabled
SCP is ready
Netscreen-> get ssh
SSH V2 is active
SSH is enabled
SSH is ready for connections
Maximum sessions: 24
Active sessions: 1
Admin Ip Addr Vsys Auth Method Service
———- ————— ———- ———— ——–
netscreen Root password console